Imperial guard warhammer books
Imperial guard warhammer books

I have only recently started my Imperial Guard army after a impulse buy at a local hobby shop. As such I would like this blog to cover as many of these aspects as much as possible. As such I am not a very experienced painter, modeller or player but I have had some experience painting military vehicles and planes over the years. I have been playing 40k for around a year now and have owned small Chaos Space Marine, Dark Angels, Tau and Ork armies. Hello and welcome to Warhammer Imperial Guard, a blog that will be all about the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k. Of course these are extreme examples but I believe we all need to think about our troops more. My point is with the Warhammer 40k meta shifting to specialist units like Heldrakes, Riptides and Wraithknights that have been tagged as "Game Changers" we should still think most about our troops after all they do the hard yards, they win the games and are still integral to our success. Even if he doesn't there massed fire is really going to put a dent in his plans no matter how many templates he has at his disposal and you can destroy the units shooting you. Your opponent will have to get through them all to get the relic or that elusive victory point. If you are going to be playing Purge the Alien or The Relic group the Shock Troopers into one squad. This is just an example but think, the more troops you have the better your chance is at securing objectives.īodies on the table, simple. All it takes to get that objective is for just one measly minion of yours to get close enough to it and you've got those oh so important victory points and that's without thinking of all the carnage that many bodies on the table will cause. With the potential to add another three ten man Shock Trooper squads, Heavy Weapons squads, Special Weapon squads and the human grots that are the Conscripts you have the potential to field a huge number of models, precisely one hundred and twenty eight if you want to max out all the slots you want Chimeras go for it fill the table with bodies. Your basic troop choice is a platoon command squad (five man, scoring with an optional Commissar) and two ten man Shock Trooper squads. We have the potentially most numerous troop choices in the game (if you are willing to pay the points), they may not be the best man for man but for the same amount of points as other armies you can have a lot.

imperial guard warhammer books

Usually our troops try to stay back out of the thick of it (most of the time) and aim to keep a stable backline and provide fire support to the units that get up in your opponents face.

imperial guard warhammer books imperial guard warhammer books

They are also vital in tournament play to gain those very important VP's that give you your ranking at the end of the tournament. Four of these missions are objective based, that's a 66% chance of getting one of the objective based missions. Sounds like a stupid question doesn't it?įirst, to answer this question we need to look at the missions in the Warhammer 40k rulebook. They are your rocks, your most flexible unit and were most of your firepower comes from. Troops, the bread and butter of Warhammer 40k, most armies will include large numbers of them.

Imperial guard warhammer books